Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's been awhile...

"Just because it's been awhile, doesn't mean that it's the end." I think it's funny how with everything people take on or start up, it more often than not comes back to this point. The point where all the passion, good ideas, and great plans you once had in starting or taking on something get put on the back burner and move way down on your list of importance. That's what has happened here; I envisioned this to be a good journal opportunity for me, but like most things it just sort of faded. The worst time when this happens, and anyone who has been on a mission trip or to a summer church camp can back me up, is the two weeks after one or both of those events. Living for God finally becomes the focus of your life. You have gotten outside of yourself and have ideas of how things should work from that point on in your interactions and life choices...but then the "high" dies. The routine of life beats down on you until you cave; you give in because it's just too hard to stand out that much in a world so set on having everyone fit in and be accepted. Once again we join in the never-ending saga of doing all that it takes to be "one of the gang"...even if it means putting our newly found passion, ideas, and ultimately God on the back burner. We think that all we have going on is more important than spending time with our one and only true reason for living. Sad...but true. We're getting ready for our annual Mexico Missions trip with the high school group. I am so excited to get to see that change and long awaited reuinion happen between our students and our Savior...but I'm also trying to figure out if there is some way to help make it so it's not just a high that goes away in a couple weeks. I know that the trip, and what is done in the hearts of all who come, is all God's doing and it is He alone who can put the determination in hearts to resolve to live differently from then on. I just pray that I am willing to do whatever the Lord wants of me on this trip; that I will be used to my fullest and be the witness that I already know Christ has and is calling me to me to be. So I put my trust in Him, and know that He "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work withing us, to Him be the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever, Amen!"